No solo necesitamos ejercemos nuestros cuerpos pero debemos ejerecer nuestras fe. Cuando permitimos nuestros espiritus beber las palabras de la vida que astan en las escrituras y sentir la felicidad que viene de escogiendo la verdad- estaremos mas fuerte de nunca antes. Cuando quieremos crecer y mejorar nos - si nuestras almas son fuertes y fundada en Cristo - Podemos alcanzar nuestras metas!!!!"Cuando pensamos en nuestras sesiones de ejercicio como un regalo necesario nos estamos dando, es mucho más fácil seguir a través regularmente con ellos."
So many times in life I have made a plan to become 'healthier'. OK so in all reality I thought about a plan that would work, but I would rarely sit down and follow through with it. There's two sides to this story. I am trying in my head to become a better person, but my actions aren't where they should be. President McKee (The President of the Nashville Tennessee Mission) told us "As we change the way we look at things, things begin to change". Once I realized that exercise was a gift, a way to DE-stress and have fun, it no longer became a chore it became my favorite part of the day!! Dancing, running, Kicking or dribbling a ball, swimming, wake boarding, karate- there are so many options!!! I just love it!!!
"when we think of our exercise sessions as a needed gift we are giving ourselves, it becomes much easier to follow through regularly with them."
Not only must we exercise our bodies but we must also exercise our faith. As we allow our spirits to drink of the words of life in the scriptures and feel the happiness that comes from choosing the right- we will be stronger than ever before.As we strive to grow and become better at something- if our spirits are strong and we are founded in Christ we surely can achieve our goals!!
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